Sunday, September 26, 2010

Where does the time go????

Wow.  Time flies . . . . . . I took a month off from blogging without really meaning to!  It wasn't that I didn't want to blog, I just either never took the time or couldn't find the words to say what I was thinking.  Let's see if I can hit a few of the highlights from the last month.

The boys are great.  Noah is talking so much!  He's adding new words to his vocab every day.  He's become much more courageous in trying to say new things.  If he hears it, he tries to say it!  (I have to watch what I say more now than ever!)  Not everything comes out exactly right, but his pronunciation is getting better all the time.  My favorite thing he says right now is his name, Noah Withers.  It comes out as "NaNa Wivvfer."  It's so adorable!  Eli is keeping us on our toes.  He crawls lightening-fast and is starting to "cruise" by holding onto furniture.  I think he will be walking well before his first birthday.  We're still waiting for him to break his first tooth, though.  He's also starting to babble more and loves to "talk."

We've gotten several health updates about Baby Ben.  He's doing well.  We're still hopeful that we will welcome him home before the end of the year,  maybe as early as November.  I watch Eli grow and I can't help but think that Ben is going through the same changes.  I know he is being well cared for by a wonderful foster family in South Korea, but he needs to come home.  He's growing and learning and becoming his own little person and we're missing it.  He needs to come home to us and to his brothers.

It's no secret that our biggest obstacle in Ben's adoption was the cost.  When we found out about his birth, we knew we wanted to add him to our family, but we had no idea how to make that happen financially.  I am so happy and relieved to say that with the incredibly generous help of family and friends, Ben's adoption expenses have been PAID!  We are so humbled and so grateful to everyone who has supported us.  There are no words to express our thanks.  God has brought many amazing people into our lives.  We are so blessed!

I do of course need to update the blog with some pictures.  We had a great visit with Nate's family over Labor Day weekend.  Mamaw, Papaw, Uncle Andy, Aunt Amanda, and little baby Grayson all came to visit.  It was our first chance to meet Grayson - what a sweetheart.  It was great to see all three of those little boys together for the first time.  We spent a day playing tourists at Silver Beach in St. Joseph.  Can't wait to see them again!

Mamaw Donna, Grayson, Eli, Papaw Tom, and Noah

More to come SOON - I promise!!!