Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Photo Album: Fall is Better with Friends

A few snapshots from our visit to Gull Meadow Farms with the Kalamazoo Korea Families crew.  Good times!

Our first order of business: 
getting sugared up on fresh donuts and apple cider

Funny kids: Eli, Blake, Grace, Noah, and Evan

Happy hayride!!!

Father & Son
(I love this one!)

Nice pumpkin, Grace!

Mom & Dad help Blake grab a good one

Apples fresh from the tree are best - YUM!

A fun day full of beautiful (hot!) sunny weather and great friends!

Being Punished is Hard Work

A couple weeks ago, Noah had a difficult day.  He was crabby, grouchy, stubborn, short-tempered, and just a handful.  About noon (before his regularly scheduled naptime) he earned himself a little timeout on the couch.  I sat him down and went in to the kitchen while he "served his sentence."  I started to empty the dishwasher, and about two minutes later I looked over at the couch and saw this:

Sometimes punishment is just exhausting!  It reminds me that even on bad days, there are precious moments to cherish.

A Great Saturday

Hi again!

My my- we've been busy.  We have lots to catch up on, so I'm trying to do that tonight.  We are loving the fall - it's always been my favorite season, but it's even better when I get to share it with my boys!  We took a spontaneous trip to the Kalamazoo Nature Center a couple weekends ago - it was great!  The weather was cool and crisp and we had a great time.  There's lots to do there, but I think Noah was most excited to just get outside and run . . . .and run . . . . and run!

Eli + Grandma's houseplant =

Dirt for Breakfast!

Noah's Bad Hair Day

Have you ever just woken up 
to one of THOSE days???