Thursday, May 27, 2010

Every day is something new . . . .

One of my favorite things about being mother to a toddler is that you just don't know what each new day is going to bring.  New words, new tricks, new experiences.  I love watching Noah grow and learn - every day I get a front row seat to The Noah Show.  I'm so blessed that I get to stay home and share all his accomplishments.

That being said, I must note that not all of Noah's accomplishments are necessarily good or worth bragging about.  Case in point:

It's very hot here now and we haven't put the air conditioner in Noah's bedroom window yet.  It was pretty warm at bedtime last night, so we put him to bed in a T-shirt and his diaper in the hope that he wouldn't be too hot.  Noah is a great sleeper and he wakes up in a great mood.  He is content to play in his crib and sing and laugh and babble to his best friend Dog Dog until I go up to get him.  If I don't go get him right away, he will eventually throw his pillow and blanket and all his other stuffed animals out of his bed onto the floor.  This is nothing new.  This morning, I went up to get him and found he had thrown everything out of his bed, including his diaper.  I found him sitting in his crib singing while playing with his weiner.

Oh my.


  1. He was hot, mama!! :) LOL!! Great story!!! He will love you to tell his future girlfriends-- make a note!! :)

  2. Hahahaha! That is the funniest thing I have heard in a while. At least he wasn't setting in there playing with his poop!

  3. HAHAHA - This is sooo funny ! Love you guys April ~
